Buddy Groups Tutorials

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Welcome to Buddy Groups!  Buddy Groups makes it easy to organize, email, and trade contact information and images. This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to become a Buddy Groups power-user.

If there is anything missing from this tutorial (or anything you would like to know more about), feel free to send an email to support@digitalstaircase.com.

Tutorial 1: Getting Started

                 Navigating the start up screen

                 Managing profiles

                 Creating contact groups

                 Emailing and sharing groups

Tutorial 2: Photo and Image Galleries

                 Creating a gallery

                 Adding captions to images

                 Copying images to other galleries

                 Editing photos via Smart Splice (or Smart Splice Lite)

Tutorial 3: Exchanging Contact Information

                 Trading your contact information

                 Trading groups of contacts

                 Trading images and photos

Tutorial 4: Making the Most out of Buddy Groups.


                 Auto-generated contact groups

                 Changing Themes

Tutorial 5: Upgrading from Buddy Groups Lite to Buddy Groups